Comments on: Google Maps vs Apple Maps: Which Is Best? Tools and Fixes for Mac, iPad, iPhone & iWatch Tue, 01 Feb 2022 17:05:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Per Axel Oxenstirna Tue, 01 Feb 2022 17:05:15 +0000 I actully only have Apple devices, 3 laptops 2 iPhone and 2 iPads. I also grew up learning how to read and use paper maps. I never use Apple maps. They just do not have enough information, and I simply do not care about seeing the 3-D bulidings, sidewalks, bike paths and green lawns. I think their primary goal was to make them look “pretty”. And I almost always use Google Earth Pro also, and the satellite view. And when traveling I always use Street View, an important function for female travelers in a foreign country. I will state that I always de-select as much as I can from being shown on the map. And Apple is worse than Google at this. I want simple directions, I want to know where specific stores are, and not every single 7-11 in a 3 mile radius. If I wanted entertainment I would go to YouTUbe and watch something. I do not need entertainment from my map. But as usual Apple makes it very difficult. Google wins hands down. If I could I would delete it out of and off the iOS. Takes up space I could use for other stuff. Google wins this argument.
